Saturday, January 22, 2011

On alone-time

I have been alone all day (husband and son went to Grandma's 24 hours ago!!) and I realized today that it takes me THAT long to get to any productive thoughts or ideas. I can, of course, dash off little doodles or thoughts in a found moment here or there, but to get anywhere BIG, to solve a problem or break through an artistic block, I need HOURS. In a row! It takes me that long for one thought to lead to another, to another, and 5 hours later, a solution or an inspiration happens, and then I've still got some time to act on it.

I have got to find a place to send my son! Darling boy, I love him so much, but because we homeschool, he is omnipresent. I drive him to classes here and there that are two hours long but that's not long enough to come home and create in my own space. I work in coffee shops or learning center waiting rooms, out of a backpack that contains all my art supplies, or a computer that lets me work on my paid job. I work like a refugee.

I am not whining. It's just the truth of it. I need to come up with a solution.

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